Kristie Ming Tan Ngo: Chinese Watercolor Artist

First 2 pictures shown below: "A Scissor tail Returns" showcased for the Oklahoma Centennial Chinese Cultural Exhibition is now a permanently part of the Oklahoma History Center Collection in 2007.


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Kristie Ming Tan Ngo

Chinese Brush Painting

Kristie was born and raised in Penang, Malaysia before immigrating to the 1992. She began her discipleship under Lingnan style master, Phoon Poh Hoong & Lu Ching Yuen back in her early twenties. Her paintings have won numerous awards including several "Best of show" in judged competitions.In 2007, her artwork, "A Scissortail Returns" was showcased in the Oklahoma Centennial Chinese Culture Exhibition, and is now permanently part of The Oklahoma's History Center's Collection. Kristie has been an Artist-In-Residence since 1993. During her residency in schools, she's been working in several art forms besides using the traditional "rice paper"; she's even painted on paper plates and has transformed her paintings into beautiful "china"; she also works on greeting cards, bookmarkers, wooden fans and even combined the Japanese arts of origami (paper folding arts) together with her chinese water colors and turned them into beautiful pictures. Kristie's also one of the art instructors in Museum of Art Okc since 2002.

笔底多新意 , 教材具创新

陈慧萌老师来自槟城,马来西亚. 1992 定居於美国奥克拉荷马洲.自小对绘画有

著强烈兴趣. 习画期间, 曾在大师潘宝鸿与卢清远恩师的指导下,继承了岭南画派

精粹外,也让自己在往后教学途径上,自创泛蹊径, 成为首位在奥克拉荷马洲岭南

Artist-In-Residence. 陈氏自1993年起即任执於State Arts council of Oklahoma.,Okc Museum of Art.

岭南画派的特色之一是以形传神, 而陈氏之作品用色淡雅清新, 沉著而柔和. 陈氏的教材与绘画题材非常广泛, 常把花鸟草虫,游鱼山水, 生动地诠释於纸碟上

,或用於绘卡片, 书签, 绘於纸扇上, 甚至将日本的摺纸艺术融入水墨画里, 教材

非常有创意感, 深受学生们的赞扬.



Address : 1113 SW129th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73170

Tel: (405)378-7311

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Workshop: OKC Museum of Art : Metropolitan Library System: Korean Cultural School etc.

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